Saturday 1 March 2014

New month new me? - The Dorothy Days return to blogging!

Hello everyone,

Well it has been a very long time since I last blogged on here (sorry!!!) and I miss it! The shop has been very busy and my Twitter account very active and I have been involved recently in some really interesting projects so I have been finding little time for my blogging and my blog has taken a bit of a back seat. Blogging is something I really enjoy so I have decided to try to start it up again and find time in my day to do some blogging. I miss the lovely comments I used to get from readers and also doing the research of fun things to put on the blog. 

Going to set myself a blogging challenge of 2 posts a week and see how I go from there. Hopefully once it becomes part of my routine I will be able to find time in my week to do it and it will also be something I enjoy doing.

Anyone else setting themselves any blogging goals? Would love to hear from you and what they are, please leave a comment below.

Here is to a fresh blogging start and an active blog!

The Dorothy Days Xx


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