Hello lovely blog readers!
I have noticed with my blog that I have been getting lots of views from outside of the U.K which is amazing and makes me smile so much that people are actually reading my blog from different places around the world. The majority of my readers used to be from the United States but recently I have had a huge increase in the amount of Russian blog readers, so much so that the Russia makes up my biggest percentage of blog readers! Some of the other places in which people have been reading from include Lativa, India, Germany, Australia, Canada, Sudan, Pakistan and Finland :) ! So exciting to have readers from all over the world.
I thought it might be nice for my blog readers who aren't familiar with the U.K to find out a little bit about where I am from. I know that I always love being nosy and finding out about where other people live so I thought it would be fun to give you a mini tour of Brighton which is where I live. Brighton is a sea side city on the south coast of England. I absolutely adore Brighton, it is a beautiful place to live and has such character and charm as it is a bit quirky and unique (and yes I know I am ever so slightly bias but it is beautiful!)
I originally was going to do the tour of Brighton in one big blog post but I think that might be a bit of an image over load because I will get far too excited and carried away!! So instead I will show you Brighton bit by bit over several different blog posts :) . I hope you shall enjoy this. Would love to hear about where you are from as well and what it is like where you live so please get in contact by leaving me a comment in the section below.
First up for my Brighton tour is one of the most iconic places in Brighton, the pier.
You couldn't get much more British seaside than this. Think fish and chips, old school lights (there are 67,000 light bulbs illuminating the pier)
, fairground rides and lots of lovely benches to sit on and look out to the sea. Building started on the pier in 1891 and it was opened in 1899. It is rather famous and has been in many films and TV series. I love to wander down there and have fish and chips down by the sea as a treat in the summer time. It is also lovely to go on at night as you can look back towards Brighton.
Another photograph of Brighton Pier in all its glory :) ! It normally has lots of seagulls swooping over head and trying to find spare fish and chips to nibble on!
This and next 2 photographs credit to: pahudson |
One of the rides which you can go on. I used to love going on these when I was younger. So much fun!
Yummy lolly pops which shows the Helta Skelta on Brighton Pier and also Brighton sticks of rock. YUM!
Photo credit: adactio
and of course it wouldn't be a proper British seaside without fish and chips!!! You can buy fish and chips all over Brighton and it is particularly popular down by the pier. In the summer lots of people go down to the beach and sit and eat fish and chips while looking out to the sea.
Hope this has given you a little insight to the place that I call home!!!
The Dorothy Days Xx